Image: Maxwell GS, Flickr, Creative Commons
If you already thought most leftists have no idea what they’re talking about, then this story will probably make your head explode.
The safe space movement to take over college campuses with fantastical grievances over “microaggressions” and reality-bending tortured-language meant to police thought and sow division has now officially gone bat-shit crazy.
These confused young adults are so fearful that they are hallucinating attacks of “hate speech” and hurt feelings.
The Washington Examiner reported:
College students panic after someone reports ‘KKK member holding a whip,’ turns out to be a priest with rosary beads
The delusion of widespread racism and culture of politically correctness on college campuses has hit a fever pitch when a priest in a white robe can be mistaken for a Klansman.
Reportedly, students were so paranoid and so out of touch with the real world that they believed they were not only under siege by the Klan, but that the white supremacy wrecking crew was descending upon them over the outcome of a basketball game:
One student even claimed that she suspected the Klan descended on campus because Indiana University lost in basketball.
The Tab broke down how a false report led to a near-campus-wide lockdown at Indiana University, with dorm leaders calling for residents to stay inside unless they had a “dire reason.”
Last night around 9:15 PM, social media became a furious storm of confusion regarding a man in white robes roaming along 10th St. and purportedly armed with a whip.
Students thought the white robes indicated Klu Klux Klan affiliation… [s]tudents were quick to look out for each other by spreading word of this potential safety risk.
… Eigenmann RA Ethan Gill notified his residents via email of the perceived threat…
After sending out a warning over a false report, the Residential Assistant
“This is what happens when there is miscommunication. So what happened tonight goes like this: a person saw white robes and what looked to them like a weapon, got scared (rightfully so), warned people, warned staff, which in turn caused me to warn my residents because I need to look out for my residents, which in turn made it spread.
“Then my residents, terrified, come running to me, saying yeah the report must be true, they saw him and couldn‘t believe there was a klansmember with a whip. And I see this picture. It’s a priest. With a rosary.
“Now, I get it why a person would be scared. There in fact HAVE been klansmembers on the campus spurting hate speech, but never have they been reported with a weapon. So yeah, if it was in fact a weapon and a threat, it’s a good thing to warn a friend. So when someone warns other people, we need to be cautious. However, what I’ve learned from this is to take anything with a grain of salt. In the future, I’m still sending my residents warnings of threats, crime, hate gatherings, and all that but I will wait for a confirmation. But now that there is no danger I can say: this is a hilarious miscommunication.”
This RA and the students in his dorm might have wished instead that the police would intercept the priest for wearing robes and carrying a rosary bead, when the eyewitnesses were unable to tell the difference between religious garb and ‘hate groups,’ or between someone who is a threat, and someone who isn’t.
Dangerously naive.
Not only was this situation based in ignorance and fear of a violent racial takeover of campus (which was not taking place in reality), but the narrative seemed tailor-made for a conflict between ‘protecting’ the safe spacers from the tyranny of free speech – and resulting calls to weaken 1st Amendment protections because some childish college kids wet the bed.
This message, which seemingly initiated the panic after it was shared with hundreds of people seems to imply that “because” campus police can’t arrest someone based on perception of ideology, the students were somehow in danger. In fact, it may be the whole point of this race-scare-gone-hoax.
the priest mistaken for kkk didn’t start with me simply warned my peers about a warning that was going around campus pic.twitter.com/cRTm6yCY45
— sanchez (@babyynini_) April 6, 2016
Indeed, even after the incident turned out to be a hoax, students still questioned why the priest was even allowed to go about campus after dark, potentially frightening the large populations of tender-hearted souls:
“OK seriously why the f__ was a priest walking around campus at night?”
Maybe they are still just jumpy because of all the Trump 2016! slogan drive-by chalkings going on across campuses everywhere – gasp, in the heat of campaign season.
SHTFplan and Mac Slavo www.shtfplan.com